- IEC - ISO - ASME Contributions to Code
Upgrading - Peter Gruber
- Optimization of Hydro-Power Plants
for Generation -Jim Cook, Jim Walsh
- Optimization of Hydro Power Plants:
The Effects of General Maintenance and Hydraulic Profiles Rehabilitation
Livio Magri, Aldo Cateni, Gianalberto Grego
- Optimization of Hydro-Power Plants:
A Financial approach in the Green Certificates Framework - Sergio
Mazzoleni, Nino Frosio
- Using Standard Pumps as Turbines
- Eugen Constantin Isasoiu, Diana M. Bucur, Calin M. Ghergu,
Nicoleta O. Tiralà
- Importance of jet quality on Pelton
efficiency and cavitation - Mario Peron, Etienne Parkinson,
Lothar Geppert, Thomas Staubli
- Operation Characteristic Analysis of
a High Head Hydropower Plant - Georgiana Dunca, Mihaela Constantinescu,
Eugen C. Isbasoiu
- Generator Power Measurements for Turbine
Performance Testing at Bureau of Reclamation Powerplants - James
DeHaan, David O. Hulse
- Union Fenosa Generación’s
Field Experience with Acoustic Scintillation Flow Measurement -
Jordi Vich Llobet, David D. Lemon, J. Buermans, D. Billenness
- Discharge Measurement in Small Hydropower
Stations using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler - B.K. Gandhi,
H.K. Verma and S.S. Patnaik
- The Importance in Intake Structure
Design for the Measurement of Hydraulic Efficiency - Dong Sun
Sin, Changduk Seo, Jangwon Park
- Index Tests of a Francis Unit using
the Sliding Gate Method - André Abgottspon, Thomas Staubli
- Accuracy Validation of Multiple Path
Transit Time Flowmeters - Don Augenstein, Gregor Brown, Jim
- Energy Loss Efficiency measured in
Hydraulic Jumps within Sloped Channels - J. Demetriou and D.
- Optimizing the Acoustic Discharge Measurement
for Rectangular Conduits - Bruno Lüscher, Peter Gruber,
Thomas Staubli
- Multipath Clamp-On Acoustic Flow
Meter - Jürgen Skripalle
- Presentation of Optimized Integration
Methods and Weighting Corrections for the Acoustic Discharge Measurement
- Thomas Tresch, Peter Gruber, Bruno Lüscher, Thomas Staubli
- Choice of the Best Position of 4 Path
Acoustic Systems in Circular Sections downstream Curves or with
Inadequate Straight Pipes and Disturbed Speed Profiles - Gianalberto
Grego, Fabio Muciaccia
- Improvements in the Dye Dilution Method:
Experiences in Italian Power Plants - Alberto Fumagalli, Claudio
Orsiers, Fabio Fausto Muciaccia
- Flow Rate Measurement using the Pressure-Time
Method (Gibson Method) in a Hydropower Plant Curved Penstock - Adam
Adamkowski, Waldemar Janicki, Zbigniew Krzemianowski
- Experimental Data on the Reliability
of Flowmeters for Pressure Pipes - Enrico Orsi, Lazzarin A.,
Sanfilippo U., Camnasio E.
- Optimizing the exploitment of hydraulic
resources: Calibration with dye dilution of the flow monitoring
system in La Nouva intake - Giampaolo Canestri, Fulvio Perino,
Fabio Fausto Muciaccia
- Uncertainty of Hydrometrical Methods
for Discharge Measurement - Mila Chilikova-Lubomirova
- Experimenting with a new Calibration
Method for Current Meters - Erica Camnasio, Orsi Enrico
- Velocity and Wall Shear Stress Measurements
in very small Channels by an Ultrasound Pulsed Velocimeter based
Technique - Anna Paraboschi
- The A2A investments in improving the
efficiency of the High Valtellina hydraulic system - presentation
to the visit - Roberto Castellano
- Thermodynamic efficiency measurements
of Pelton turbines - Experience from investigation of energy / temperature
distribution in the discharge canal - Eirik Bøkko, Harald
Hulaas, Erik Nilsen, Leif Vinnogg
- Efficiency testing in Tai An (Shandong
China) PSPP reversible units by means of thermodynamic method -
Xie Feng, Thomas Hequet, Hou Weirong, Fabio Fausto Muciaccia
- Efficiency testing in Belesar power
plant - Jordi Vich Llobet, Antonio Fernandez Seara, Luis Pertierra,
Fabio Muciaccia
- Efficiency differences of upper and
lower injectors and scan of tailrace temperature distributions-
Thomas Staubli, André Abgottspon